Heather Arsenault

Helping you feel your best through plant-based nutrition

I help busy people reach their health goals so they can

feel amazing and do the things they love.

Because when you feel your best, you can do your best.

Hi, I'm Heather

I'm a mom of two amazing kids, wife of an adoring husband, scientist by day, and live a plant-based lifestyle while creating the life I love.

I made the switch to a plant-based lifestyle over 4 years ago. I just wasn't feeling myself after having kids and was looking for a way to just feel better. Eating or cooking healthy meals was a chore, I was always tired, and was overwhelmed about doing it all.

Until I made changes to what I ate every day, my mindset, habits, and how to incorporate movement into my life.

That's where the magic happens ✨

Do you want to:

🤍 Improve your health, but don’t know where to start?

🤍 Have more energy or to just feel better in your own skin?

🤍 Want to learn how to add healthy habits into your life?

🤍 Not be overwhelmed at the idea of eating healthy.

🤍 Get encouragement and support wherever you’re at.

You're in the right place!

I help busy people reach their health goals and feel amazing so they can do the things they love.

Want to learn more? Book your FREE discovery session to see if 1:1 coaching is the right fit for you.

"A good diet is the most powerful weapon we have against disease and sickness."

- T. Colin Campbell